by Lady Akilah Hart

I am totally dedicated to helping Christian women engage in their calling, define powerful purpose, and emerge as empowered 👑 Leading Ladies in Ministry and Business!


Explore the Levels of the Leading Ladies Network


First things first... 
ACTIVATE God's Powerful Purpose! 

Connecting with my community will introduce you to Women of Purpose where we focus on building our faith & friendships.  Activate your strong faith and your new Christian friendships for this next part of your journey 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up…



Second things second... You know that God has called you to more, so ELEVATE!

It's not enough for you to go with the flow, you are meant to lead, and that's why I call you a Leading Lady! Link shields with me and others in my National Association of Christian Leading Ladies and elevate into rocking your role in ministry and business!

3 John 1:2 says Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 



Next things next... 
When what you are building is about waaaaaay more than building wealth!

My WELLth Builders are on a whole other level and are fully engaged in creating a business model that fully reflects God's Powerful Purpose. They take advantage of the accelerated ministry & business-building strategies, tools, and marketing that I offer. 

Believe it or not sis you are a WELLth Builder too. YES, I am talking to you... Build her up then "Become Her"! 

Proverbs 31… ALL OF IT!!!


Lady Akilah Hart

First Lady ⟡ CEO ⟡ Vision & WELLth Coach 

I started my leadership community because I want to help women like me!

  • Multifaceted women who know they are called to lead in ministry & business
  • Women who do not fit into any one classification because they are compelled to do and be more
  • Women who are loud and proud Christians and want to show that to the world 
  • Women who are determined to make an impact on this world for Jesus Christ 
  • Women who want to connect and collaborate to expand God's Kingdom 
  • Women who are trailblazers and run headfirst into (not away from) God's Powerful Purpose  
  • Women who know their voice must be heard, the message is important, and they refuse to settle for any path that would keep them silent 
  • Women who celebrate the sisterhood and the strengths between us! 


YES... Let's Talk For Real!

Don't stay STUCK!

If you found my little corner of the world, chances are you're a ministry-minded female entrepreneur and you're trying to figure out how to make that work! 

Or you are a woman married to an anointed and called "Man of God" such as a pastor, minister, elder, or deacon and you may be looking for "balance"!

Regardless of which side of the line you are on the feelings are the same! You are a woman who has the privilege of serving in leadership whether in ministry of business and there are some things that just aren't clicking for you! 

Have you ever said any of the following to yourself: 

  • Where is the training manual for this position (news flash there isn't one) 
  • What exactly is my position again ( don't answer I know you're not sure!)  
  • I'm serving in ministry but I just don't feel happy about what I actually do, I don't want to seem ungrateful for the opportunity so I'm not going to say anything 
  • I wish I had time to pursue my business ideas but there is too much going on
  • I wish there was someone I could talk to who understands how I feel and where I am coming from
  • I am too new to do this and I feel like I have to choose ministry or profession and it makes me altogether sad 
  • I am unprepared to be a Leading Lady in ministry or business. It's too complicated to do both. I want to quit 
  • I am struggling to be good at ministry or business it is affecting my whole life and now I just want to stay in bed    

Stepping into your position as a Leading Lady in ministry & business is one of the hardest transitions you will ever make and many give up... BUT I want to change the experience of Leading Ladies worldwide!

That's why I started this Leadership Network! 
 To reverse you out of your stuck and help you "R.E.V.U.P." into reaching your goals in ministry and business so you can live your life with more influence, impact, time, and income!


There is a secret to SUCCESS! 

Success doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by choice. When you combine the right information with exact plan you get rapid transformation! That is why I am dedicated to helping Christian entrepreneurs turn their knowledge & passions into ministries and businesses they can launch, sell & scale online. I teach you how to work less, live more, & leave legacies! I have identified a formula that anyone, or any organization, can follow to achieve outstanding results.

In life, there are always going to be ups and downs. What if you could learn how to make the up times last—and minimize or eliminate the downtimes? I provide training solutions that do just that!

I can help you achieve greater success, faster, and with fewer setbacks. Don’t take my word for it… I will prove it to you!

Access my proven resources to transform your life NOW! From on-site workshops to online courses, coaching, consulting and more, I create change from the inside out. I offer a wide array of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get you results.


       >>> WATCH <<<  the latest episode to get your weekly dose of
Encouragement for the Pastor's Wife | Tuesdays at 12:00 pm (CT) 

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